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Procurement Professionals

Procurement Professionals

Although there are still a lot of uncertainties surrounding Brexit one thing is for sure: it’s still not too late to get your Procurement Department & Supply Chain prepared, come what may. Read our latest white paper for some practical advice about how your organization can survive – and even thrive – amid the uncertainty.

A lot of EU companies with direct links to UK-based suppliers or UK companies with part of their supply base in Europe have put in place mitigation plans and have started stockpiling and advancing orders, especially in the fresh foods and fast-moving consumer goods sectors. In today’s complex supply chains, however, you may not necessarily know whether suppliers to your suppliers (or their suppliers) have operations on the other side of the new border, and you may be hit from a direction you didn’t really foresee.

The object of this paper is not to go into the longer-term changes in supply chains within Europe and the UK that we expect to see happen, but rather I would like to highlight a few actions you should be taking as a minimum, in the next few weeks, which will hopefully help you to avoid most of the worst of what could happen. Maybe you can even find some interesting opportunities in the time ahead.