Identify the value creation potential through best-in-class procurement actions
Key questions answered for you
- Is our supply chain fit for purpose for today, and for the next 3 years?
- What is the potential for cost improvement or value creation in my spend?
- What effort is required to deliver the identified potential, or to transform our procurement capability?
- What’s the right implementation plan given our constraints e.g. resource, commitments, complexity of change etc.?

Our approach
Over a period of 6 weeks or less, we deep dive across your supply chain
Analyse Data
We collate and analyse your spend data incl. AP data, PO data, revenue by SKU, specifications, and contracts
Engage Internally
We engage with key stakeholders within your business to understand the current context, and clarify gaps in data
Engage with key suppliers
We engage with your key suppliers to build complete picture, and to assess the strenghts and weakness in current relationship
We get live benchmarks from the market, and also leverage our access to leading market intelligence systems to accelerate the discovery process
Is it worth the effort?
We have over 80% conversion rate (from Diagnostic to implementation), with our clients typically achieving a 4x- 10x ROI in year 1
We have conducted diagnsotic assignments across multiple industries. In a short time frame, our diagnostic generates deep insights to build a strong value creation programme for our clients.